The House of Sarah held a training session for the Sarah Carers on the 7th and 8th March 2024 at the Methodist Women’s Fellowship Hall in Toorak, Suva.

The Sarah Carers are volunteers in the communities who provide a listening ear, a warm heart and a welcoming hand to those women who are facing difficulties in their relationships. They uplift the status of women; in empowering them, through the provisions of care, support, and referral services.

The training’s objective were to:
• Understand the God’s affirmation for equality between women and men is often misinterpreted by the Church and Christians.
• To understand what human trafficking is and to know the processes involved in dealing with human trafficking.
• Advocate for safe practice with all services providers.

This training was organized by HoS’s Intervention and Services staff Christina Tearawa, Bible studies conducted by the Reverend Mereti Rabonu and sessions on Trafficking in persons by Mrs. Amelia Makutu of the Asia Foundation – Suva Regional Office.
Sarah Carers also celebrated International Women’s Day. Many thanks to Fiji Women’s Crisis Centre for the beautiful flowers.