Regional Support (South-South Exchange)

Statistics on intimate-partner violence in Vanuatu, Solomon Islands, Papua New Guinea and Fiji are all above the global average. Ranging from 60-66% the figures indicate that society, including churches, need to commit themselves to preventing and eliminating gender-based violence.  

Whilst the provision of services to victims/survivors of  VAW is gathering momentum in Melanesian countries, very few are engaged in sustained evidence-based prevention strategies.  

The second SSE will introduce the participants to a VAW prevention model that the House of Sarah is currently implementing.  

Who is it for Initial focus are Anglicans in Oceania (South Pacific) because of the existence of an international agreement for Safe Church amongst the Anglican family worldwide that would make it easier to bring together representatives and share experiences of current programmes on GBV but also discuss new initiatives on prevention. 

General Aims
To create space where participants from the Anglican churches of Papua New Guinea (APNG), Solomon Islands and Vanuatu (ACOM), Diocese of Polynesia (DoP), House of Sarah andinterested ecumenical partners working in the area of gender-based violence gather to:

  • build capacity in our churches/faith-based organizations in the provision of services to VAW victims and survivors; 
  •  learn about contextualized VAW prevention model such as SASA! Faith and other prevention strategies.  
  • strengthen  partnerships amongst women of the Anglican churches in Oceania
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