Launch of Pacific Partnership to End Violence Against Women and Girls Phase II: Advancing Our Mission to End Violence Against Women and Girls Date: Friday, 14 June 2024

House of Sarah welcomes the launching of Phase 2. The support provided though this Partnership enables the HoS to continue with its VAWG prevention programme in three new communities of Rokara, Kinoya village, Nanuku. The governments of Australia, New Zealand, European Union & UNWomen all contribute to the Pacific Partnership.
Toga Naqavoka is the fourth community and is supported with funds from Bread for the World.
Our heartfelt gratitude to Pacific Partnership for Phase 1 that assisted HoS with VAWG prevention in St Michael’s & All Angel’s in Matata, St Mark’s in Newtown and St John’s in Wailoku.
Suva, Fiji — Surrounded by over 200 partners in Suva and virtually, the Pacific Partnership to End Violence Against Women and Girls (Pacific Partnership) proudly announced today the successful completion of Phase I (2018-2023) of its comprehensive programme addressing gender-based in the Pacific and commencement of Phase II (2024-2027).

Pacific Partnership to End Violence Against Women and Girls launches Phase II (2024-2027) of its programme with partners today in Suva, Fiji. Photo: UN Women/Shazia Usman

The Pacific Partnership brings together governments, civil society organisations, communities, and other partners to promote gender equality, prevent violence against women and girls, and increase access to quality response services for survivors. In Phase II, the programme is funded primarily by the Government of Australia, and the European Union (EU), and jointly implemented by UN Women and the Pacific Community (SPC), in strategic partnership with the Pacific Islands Forum. It builds on the achievements of Phase I (2018-2023)) and wide-ranging regional and national partnership and initiatives on gender equality and ending violence against women and girls.

The event hosted civil society partners and government ministers from Fiji, Kiribati, and Solomon Islands, including virtual participation from Samoa, and high-level government officials from Kiribati, Republic of the Marshall Islands, Tonga, Tuvalu, and Vanuatu.

As a key partner, His Excellency Ewen McDonald, Australia’s High Commissioner in Fiji, and Australia’s inaugural Special Envoy for the Pacific and Regional Affairs said: “The Australia Government is committed to gender equality and ending violence against women and girls in the Pacific as a means to contribute to multiple development outcomes. We remain committed to addressing gender-based violence comprehensively through the launch of Phase II of the Pacific Partnership to End Violence Against Women and Girls programme in partnership with UN Women, the Pacific Community, and the Pacific Islands Forum as a strategic partner.”

Her Excellency Barbara Plinkert, the Ambassador of the European Union to the Pacific said: “The European Union has supported efforts to fight violence against women and girls in the Pacific since 2018 through the Pacific Partnership Phase I. We are committed to continue supporting its second phase until 2027. The European Union and the Pacific countries who are signatories to the Samoa Agreement have jointly reaffirmed their commitment to adopt the necessary legislation and policy measures to eliminate all forms of sexual and gender-based violence, particularly domestic violence. The European Union stands resolute in its resolve to promote gender equality and to address all forms of gender-based violence, investing in prevention and protection, as well as in legislation, creating a robust and holistic legal framework.”

As she shared on the successes and challenges of the past five years plans for the Phase II, Delphine Serumaga, Representative of UN Women Pacific shared on the uniqueness of the Pacific Partnership.

“The strength of the Pacific Partnership has always been its comprehensive and multi-sectoral approach and recognition that addressing violence against women and girls requires a sustained, systematic, and long-term commitment to address root causes. We know that preventing and ending gender-based violence is possible. Here, Pacific partnerships are vital. With the support of the Australian Government and the EU, UN Women, SPC and with PIF’s strategic advisory role, we are proud to build on decades of work by Pacific Island governments, regional organisations, the women’s movement, civil society, and countless individuals across the region. In Phase II, we are committed to enhancing our prevention efforts and support services, during, and after emergencies and on an ongoing basis in people’s lives in communities.”

Similarly, for SPC, as it embarks on the Phase II, Tara J. S. Chetty, Deputy Director, Human Rights and Social Development Division, shared: “We celebrate our achievements together over the last five years and our joint commitment to prevent and end gender-based violence, by making sure the next phase of our work is effective. In Phase II, SPC will strengthen the Social Citizenship Education program through a whole of school and whole of community approach. This includes upscaling the curriculum intervention in target countries by working with Ministries of Education, teachers, and teacher training institutes; developing gender-responsive school policies; and strengthening social citizenship school clubs to influence school culture. We also plan to partner with young people through Ministries for Youth to build a pool of trainers to deliver community-based interventions.”

Further adding, “Our work with you all under this Pacific Partnership will be complemented by SPC’s broader portfolio of work to end violence against women and girls. This includes support to the Regional Working Group on the implementation of family protection and domestic violence legislation, and the Pacific Women Lead programme, guided by SPC’s Principal Strategic Lead – Pacific Women and Girls”.

While UN Women cover 14 and 27 countries respectively, through the Pacific Partnership there will be targeted programming in the Federated States of Micronesia, Fiji, Kiribati, Republic of the Marshall Islands, Samoa, Solomon Islands, Tonga, Tuvalu, and Vanuatu, for Phase II. The programme will work with partners beyond the eight countries through its regional programming.
